Saturday, December 20, 2008

New blog home...

We've changed the location of our blog! We're now at

Friday, January 25, 2008

How to lose 100 or more pounds

Props to Heather Davis. She has lost 110 pounds. It's a story many would like to live. She didn't follow a gimmicky diet or or sign-up for a quick fix fad. She did it with a good plan, hard work and perseverance.

Here are ten tips she offered in a CNN story that you can use to help you on your journey.

I like all of these tips. I use variations of nearly all of these in my weight loss program. One that I haven't used but will incorporate immediately, Tip #8, keep an item of your "big" clothes as motivation. That's a great idea!

Congratulations Heather!

  1. Never let anyone tell you "You can't." Yes, you can.
  2. Get as much social support as possible. Going to the gym with others is fun and motivating.
  3. You will not be the biggest person in the gym and everyone will not be staring at you.
  4. Some thin people in the gym used to be really heavy and they will applaud you.
  5. Lose weight for you. Not because someone else tells you to. Also, know when to stop losing.
  6. If you lose your way (fall off your diet), get right back into the saddle and try again.
  7. Keep a calendar. Mark off every day you exercise and eat right. You will see the days rack up, and it will make you proud.
  8. When you do lose weight, save one item from your heaviest weight. Look at it when you feel discouraged and you'll see how far you've come.
  9. Don't let friends or family derail you. If you don't want to eat something, it is OK to politely decline, but don't go crazy. You don't want to be "that person" at the lunch table.
  10. If you want cheesecake or a sweet treat -- eat it in moderation. Don't deprive yourself of anything or you will get discouraged.

Friday, January 18, 2008

How Powerful is a Boot Camp?

First, you need to get into my boot camp. Today is the last day of the first week, but you can still register - right up until next Friday!

Second, If you're skeptical of the results you can get from a Boot Camp,
read this article.

Finally, the best Boot Camps are fun, challenging, rewarding and most importantly, get results. Exactly what you get

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Is Vitamin D really that important?

January 11, 2008

This article, published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association concludes that heart disease risk may increase with a lack of Vitamin D.

The benefits of Vitamin D and cancer prevention (bone health too!) have been known for years. In June of last year, I had a blog post regarding this. Actually, the benefits of Vitamin D have been known for a while. Read this excellent post by Dr. Mark Hyman for more details.

There are many others who espouse the benefits of Vitamin D - too many to list here. So let's get to the article.


More than 1,700 offspring of Framingham participants were involved in the study. Subjects had their Vitamin D levels measured at the beginning of the study and were tracked for 5 years. Health event outcomes included the following: heart attack, heart failure, stroke and additional cardiovascular diseases.

Those with a Vitamin D blood level below 15 ng/mL (nanograms per milliliter) had twice the risk compared to those with higher blood levels of Vitamin D.

"Vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased cardiovascular risk, above and beyond established cardiovascular risk factors," said Thomas J. Wang, M.D., assistant professor
of medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Mass. "The higher risk associated with vitamin D deficiency was particularly evident among individuals with high blood pressure."

This is important...

Researchers observed the highest rate of cardiovascular disease events in subset analyses dividing 688 participants according to high blood pressure status. After researchers adjusted for conventional cardiovascular risk factors, participants with hypertension and a vitamin D deficiency had about 2 times the risk of having a cardiovascular disease event in five years.

And this too...

Researchers also found an increase in cardiovascular risk with each level of vitamin D deficiency.

And somewhat disappointing...

"What hasn't been proven yet is that vitamin D deficiency actually causes increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This would require a large randomized trial to show whether correcting the vitamin D deficiency would result in a reduction in cardiovascular risk." Therfore, Wang doesn't recommend physicians check for vitamin D deficiency or that those with a known vitamin D deficiency be treated to prevent heart disease at this time.

This article by Dr. Sears indicates...

Vitamin D has been shown to strengthen lean tissue, is related to insulin sensitivity, pancreatic function and rheumatoid arthritis, and it's beens shown to increase your mood and have a favorable effect on depression.


So I'd say yes, Vitamin D is extremely important and seems pretty clear cut, regardless of the trepidation from Dr. Wang. What do you think?

So how much Vitamin D should you be getting?

In my post (linked above) you can get all you need with as little as 20 minutes of daily sunshine. This is dependent on your complexion. If you have a darker complexion, it might take a little longer. If you have a lighter complexion, you might require less.

You can also get Vitamin D from foods, like saltwater fish, eggs, cheese and beef.

You can also take a quality supplement. But I'd recommend starting with sunshine first.


The third week of the New Year starts Monday. Are you still with those New Year's Resolutions? If you need a push or simply want a guaranteed route to success, let me know. I can help!

Take a look at some of my services below. Something there willl help you!


BSFC Remote Work with me from anywhere! I'll deliver all your workouts and other materials by email. One, 3- and 12-month specials available NOW!

Look, Live & Feel Younger! An online program where you get all the keys to look, live and feel younger! Sign-up for the preview!

That's all for today. Have a great weekend.

Until then, go outside and get some Vitamin D. It looks like a beautiful day (at least it does here in Houston)!


Sign up here to receive regular articles like this.

Links for you:

Live, Look and Feel Younger
6-week Boot Camp
BSFC Remote
Read this article at our website

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Fitness Trends for 2008

January 8, 2008

The American College of Sports Medicine published it's fitness trends report for 2008 in December of last year.

A pdf version of the article is here:

In surveying nearly 2,000 fitness professionals throughout the world and corroborating with internationally known fitness experts, a list of 20 fitness trends was identified. I'm giving you the top 10 and adding my comments to each.

Take a look and let me know what you think. Are your New Year's Resolutions aligned with any of these trends? Are you a member of a health club or fitness center that offers services like these? Do you have access to these services?

Number 1: Educated and Experienced Fitness Professionals
There is currently no regulation of Certifying agencies for fitness professionals. Anyone can offer a "Personal Trainer" cerfitication and not have standards to meet. However, more and more certifying organizations and schools are becoming accredited. This is great. Just as hiring a CPA gives confidence that certain levels of education have been obtained and demonstrated, so should it be with fitness professionals.

As a doctor, I continuously push for higher educational standards of personal trainers and you should too. After all, you literally put your life in their hands. And if a trainer you have chosen isn't educated and trained regarding contraindications, you are taking a big risk.

Number 2: Children and Obesity
This is an important one. Reports have been saying for a while that this may be the first generation that doesn't outlive their parents. And a big part of that is obesity and related lifestyle disorders. If we can keep physical education in the schools and take advantage of physically active based after school programs for our children, it will be a major step in the right direction.

Number 3: Personal Training
This will be a staple of the top 10 every year the survey is conducted. Learning to exercise properly, whether it be for health or sport, should be your number one priority. And a well-educated personal trainer is invaluable in that regard. Without proper instruction you are more likely to get injured and may never reach your goals.

Number 4: Strength Training
Personally, I'm glad this is in the top 10. The health benefits of strength training are simply too numerous and profound to ignore. You must incorporate strength training into your exercise routine.

Number 5: Core Training
At one time, people thought this was a fad. But it has certainly lasted long enough to be called a trend. Core training has been defined as training the muscles of the abdominals and lower back. Some include balance training too. Whatever the case, strength in the trunk of your body is needed for support. Strengthen your core and you'll feel better.

Number 6: Special Fitness Programs for Older Adults
As you age, health becomes more important (it really should be important from day 1). And programs tailored to older individuals are more popular. Programs like these focus on increasing strength, flexibility and performing activities of daily living. As a side benefit, all of these things significantly improve your health too.

Number 7: Pilates
A form of core training, Pilates has been a staple of the fitness scene for years.

Number 8: Functional Fitness
This is a form of exercise that improves your ability to perform activities of daily living. A well-balanced program will improve overall strength, flexibility, balance and heart fitness. As you progress, you will feel more confident when performing regular tasks as your risk of injury and adverse events decreases.

Number 9: Swiss Ball
Most people refer to them as stability balls. These are the large balls most fitness centers now have. They can be used to perform an almost limitless number of exercises, focusing on training the abdominals, improving balance and overall stabilization. Core training incorporates the use of stability balls.

Number 10: Yoga
A form of mind-body exercise that focuses on flexibility, posture and meditation.

Additional thoughts by me...
I like the list and am considering posting 11-20. However, I think teasing out the differences in some of these is difficult. For example, Core Training, Functional Fitness, Pilates, Swiss Ball and Yoga aren't all that different - at least not different enough to have their own categories.

There are a couple of things I would have liked to seen in the top 10:

  1. Greater focus on dealing with chronic diseases and conditions that physical activity positvely effects. For example, there is no mention of type II diabetes, high blood pressure or heart disease. This might fall under the auspices of education, which is #1. In my personal opinion, fitness professionals could do themselves (and their industry by default) a lot of good by educating themselves in these areas, creating services to help more people and having a positive impact in the lives of people.

  2. More focus on developing services to help businesses improve the health of their employees. All fitness centers and personal training studios have small businesses close to them. They should be developing programs to help these businesses reduce health-related costs. For example, we recently performed a healthy back seminar for two different companies with amazing results. Based on worker productivity, reduced sick time and improvement in back pain, the companies were able to realize savings of more than $40,000. That's a lot of money. Click here to read our press release.


We are firmly into the second week of the New Year. How are you doing on your resolutions? I hope you're doing well. If you need a boost we're here to help. Take a look at some of the more specific New Year's services we're offering to help you reach those goals.

  • BSFC Remote: The best way for you to get there from here! In BSFC Remote I personally develop your exercise routine based on your goals and current ability. Each workout includes a step-by-step guide on performing your workout along with illustrations and text descriptions of all activities. The illustrations show you correct body position for the beginning and ending position of each exercise and stretch. Finally, you'll get full email support throughout your time in BSFC Remote. If you ever have a question, all you will have to do is email me and I'll get back to you. Here is a sample of the photos and text descriptions for a single exercise. Remember, each exercise and stretch in your program will have this too.

  • Tomorrow (Wednesday) is the free webinar on living, looking and feeling younger. Remember, you'll get all the keys to achieve this. There are only a few slots here to register and learn how to live, look and feel younger.

  • Don't forget. Next Monday (January 14, 2008) our 6-week Boot Camp begins. It's a program that will challenge your inner fitness soul, melt away the body fat, make you stronger, give you more energy and improve your health. As a bonus, all those that sign-up get a white Brian Sekula Fitness Center t-shirt and in the pool to win a gray version of the t-shirt. Like I said last week and again yesterday, if you live within 10 minutes of the SW Freeway and Beltway 8 (or if you drive through that intersection), you're making a mistake by not signing up. We still have slots available in both the AM and PM sessions but you better hurry. Sign-up today!


That's all for today. Make it a great day. I'll see you soon.

Until then, break a sweat today. It will do your body good.


Sign up here to receive regular articles like this.

Links for you:
Live, Look and Feel Younger
6-week Boot Camp
BSFC Remote
Read this article at our website

Monday, January 07, 2008

Why Women Should Lift Weights

January 07, 2008.

From a recent article posted in the San Jose Mercury News by Melinda Sacks...

I took the liberty of highlighting important benefits in each of the points. The benefits of weight training are numerous and this article does a good job of highlighting some of the more
important ones.

Even though this article is geared toward women, the same benefits listed apply to men. So you guys don't get off that easy.


Researchers say that most women who exercise still spend the majority of their time doing cardio, often ignoring the benefits of weight lifting. But unless a doctor advises otherwise, weight lifting can provide enormous advantages for most women, according to studies from such institutions as the Mayo Clinic, Harvard and Stanford universities. As with any new physical activity, check with your doctor if you have any health issues.

Here are the top 10 reasons sports medicine doctors and fitness experts agree weight lifting is good for you:

  1. By becoming physically stronger, you will make routine tasks easier and safer to perform, from carrying heavy groceries from the car to picking up the kids.

  2. Weight lifting will help you lose body fat and gain lean muscle. As this happens, your body mass decreases, your resting metabolism increases, and your clothes will fit looser. For every additional pound of muscle you gain, you will burn 30 to 50 more calories a day. Weight lifting is often touted as a proven way to keep weight off as women age.

  3. Women don't need to worry about bulking up as they get stronger. Unlike men, women do not have enough testosterone to build bulky muscles. Men have 10 to 30 times more of the hormone than women.

  4. The risk of osteoporosis goes down as you gain muscle strength. Weight training can increase spinal bone density significantly in just six months.

  5. Risk of injury decreases when you are stronger. You will be less prone to everything from back pain to arthritis to depression.

  6. It's good for your heart. Lower blood pressure, improved cardiovascular health and higher levels of "good cholesterol" have been found to be the side benefits of regular strength training, according to numerous studies.

  7. The risk for diabetes declines because weight training has been found to improve the way the body processes sugar.

  8. You can start weight training at any age. Research has shown that even women in their 80s can still build muscle strength.

  9. Weight lifting can improve mood and fight off anxiety and depression. One Harvard study found that after weight training for 10 weeks, those suffering from clinical symptoms of depression felt better than those who received only counseling.

  10. For women in middle age, strength training can help prevent the predictable metabolic sluggishness that often occurs. Many say it is not dieting, but weight lifting that is the true secret to keeping off middle-age pounds.

I will comment on one thing. In the opening paragraph, the author suggests that a majority of women spend their time doing cardio. I believe this is true. In my humble opinion, walking on a treadmill for 30- to 60-minutes is like Chinese water torture. You're better off cranking up the intensity and going for a shorter period of time.

And don't get me started on the benefits of slow-cardio and fat burning.

It simply isn't a good use of time in a world where we're all busy.

Off the soapbox...


On Friday I mentioned a new service debuting today. You can find more info on that and other services we offer guaranteed to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

  • Looking for a trainer? You found one here. But what if you don't live in or near Sugar Land. What if you are really serious about achieving your goals this year but are hesitant to just hire any old trainer? I don't blame you! What if you're nervous about joining a gym and just want to workout at home?

    The answer to all of those questions and more is my newest service, BSFC Remote. When you sign-up, I'll design a workout program specific to you. It will be based on your current abilities and the goals you want to achieve. It will include a daily schedule for weight training, cardio and stretching. Every activity I give you will have illustrations showing you the exact beginning and ending position. Additionally, each activity will have a text description "talking" you through performing it. These two things ensure you will perform the exercises safely and properly - leading you right down the path of success. It's a step-by-step guide to reaching your goals. As if that weren't enough, you'll have unlimited email support throughout your program. Have a question? No problem, shoot me an email and I'll get back to you.

    I know it sounds good and you're ready to go. That's great, but you better sign-up today. I'm having a serious special on this program. A limited number of spots are available and when they are full, I'm raising the rates. So get yours today for an amazingly low price!

  • If you're like most Americans, you want to get in shape this year. I can't think of a better option than BSFC Remote (unless you want to train with me in person).

  • Don't forget, the day after tomorrow (Wednesday) is the free webinar on living, looking and feeling younger. I'll be covering all the keys you need to unlock a more youthful body. But, you can't get those keys without registering. Click here to learn how to live, look and feel younger.
  • Don't forget #2. Next Monday (January 14, 2008) is the first day of class for my 6-week Boot Camp. Imagine reaching all of your weight loss goals by the middle of February! You can do it with this Boot Camp. In six weeks you will do more for your health and body than you ever thought possible. You'll burn fat, get stronger and leaner, get rid of those aches and
    pains, have more energy, and more. Like I said last week, if you live within 10 minutes of the SW Freeway and Beltway 8, you are making a mistake by not signing up. There is an AM session and a PM session, so I've got your morning and afternoon workout covered. We start January 14 and spots are limited (and filling up fast) so if you're ready to change the way you feel and the way your body looks,
    sign-up today!

That's all for today. Make it a great day. I'll see you soon. Until then, break a sweat today. It will do your body good.


Sign up here to receive regular articles like this.

Links for you:
Live, Look and Feel Younger
6-week Boot Camp
BSFC Remote